Since 1949 has always, in my lifetime, been a historic term.
Perhaps as the 2020’s are well underway (this will sound dated soon) it grows even more far removed from every person born during this time. But the history is well documented.
Just a few years prior to 1949 the second World War had been won, and nations were shaken to the core. American Industry however, was on the surge.
Fishing was on the rise, with abundant stripers in the Northeast Surf, blockbuster Northern Salmon & Steelhead runs full of large, protein rich fish in seeming limitless supply.
In Washington State, the rod blank manufacturer ‘Lamiglas’ started in 1949.
Dick Snyder, an east coast machinery sales rep created the Lamiglas blank plant with Dick Schoff. In those days you couldn’t just buy “rod-making” equipment in an easy kit - so much of the machinery and tools were customized and built to satisfy the need for longer surf rod blanks.
The first fishing rod blank ever rolled at Lamiglas was an 11-Foot Honey-Fiberglass surf blank.
The technique-specific advantages of the powerful, durable, forgiving and yet responsive glass blanks over-performed in casting-distance, lure-responsiveness and putting hooks into striped bass’ face.
But Surf wasn’t the only thing Lamiglas did.
Salmon, Steelhead & Trout technique specific blanks were crafted using Lamiglas unique blank capabilities. Lamiglas started with just supply blanks, and then became an expert finishing company of fishing rods. By the mid-seventies, Lamiglas became in an innovator in the graphite fishing rod revolution, quickly desigining and producing excellent USA Product.
Although fiberglass surf, fly & boat rods were very popular, the ability to produce industry-standard graphite and glass rods like the GSB (Surf Blank), ESpirit, Fiberglass Fly, Fiberglass Boat & Trolling & G200 - eventually G1000 USA-Made rod series further solidified the technique specific actions that satisfied the high demands of passionate anglers fishing against the odds.
You could fish any rod in the store, but there was only one Lamiglas.
And if you had a ‘Lammy” up on the North Shore, you were in business for slinging plugs into the surf. If you drift fished Okie’Drifters and salmon eggs, or swung spoons & spinners in the rivers for salmon, the Lamiglas was known for being sensitive and strong. There weren’t many rod companies doing those rods at that level of performance.
There have always been cheaper rods than Lamiglas. The store racks are there to serve everyone and multiple rods competed throughout the decades. Lamiglas continually chugged forward, developing models at a rapid pace, delivering catalog after catalog of an ever-changing landscape of rods.
The landscape may have changed but the technology pushed forward. Every new rod series could draw on the concepts learned, the custom mandrels & Aerospace engineered blank patterns to develop on the continued development of angling trends.
Dick Posey became the new owner of Lamiglas in 1976.
Throughout the 80’s, 90’s and 00’s Lamiglas delved deep into producing legendary rod designs. Lamiglas was always quick-on-the-draw with innovative design, the type of company that didn’t wait for a market to establish itself to design rods for it, rather they were willing to take risks and build new designs based on the recommendations of anglers and developing fisheries.
There have been so many excellent builders, designers & fishing consultants over the years, that to try to simply list them all here would not do it justice. The teams of people who worked on building an ever-changing catalog, brought lots of “favorite rods” to anglers all over America (and even beyond.)
In 2014, Dick Posey died and was honored by the fishing community at large. He had a legacy among anglers, sales-people and tackle makers alike. Traveling to trade shows, managing the day-to-day operations, Dick was a legend in the fishing industry.
Many of the rod companies that are competitors in the field have their roots at Lamiglas. Numerous employees have gone on to create their own, or work for other rod companies, including Don Green, the owner of Sage Rods.
Carrying on the legacy of his father, Tom Posey took over the company in 2014 to continue the cutting-edge design, and to modernize the operations of Lamiglas to best fit the customer. By investing heavily in the blank plant as well as research and development, Lamiglas improved their standards and expanded their lineups.
From revolutionary centerpin rods, proven salmon trolling models, high-performance surf & inshore options, to sensitive and strong walleye and bass sticks, Lamiglas has continued to push the envelope of what it means to make a top-shelf fishing rod.
A great fishing rod starts with a great blank. Perhaps the constant attention to detail in producing original blanks is what has resulted in the actions that make Lamiglas so popular.
Now, in another decade of a constantly evolving fishing rod world, Lamiglas is still at the forefront, the longest continuously running rod company in the world.
It’s in the DNA. Rod innovation and a dedication to the needs of anglers.

To see what Lamiglas has to offer, visit
- written by Lucas Holmgren
Recently purchased a Lamiglas iss90ms Infinity through my buddy Marley at Alloutwest charters on Vancouver Isand he also bought 2 rods. One guide was broken in shipping on his Redline Centerpin they shipped him a new one the day of contact. I was fishing with my new rod for the first time and broke the tip. My fault not the rod. Talked to them Monday and had a new half rod on Wednesday. The customer service /warranty couldn’t be better . The fit,finish and performance of this Rod are a joy to behold, one of the nicest Rod’s I’ve had the pleasure of using and definitely the nicest I’ve ever tossed metal with. Definitely will be buying more Rod’s from Lamiglas The closer Centerpin is looking so sweet just wish they built a 10’6”
There was a time when a Lamiglas was revered as one of the best rods on the water along with the best warranty available here in the Northwest. Back in those days they would take your old broken rod and hand you a new one over the counter. The warranty program’s changes came due to guides and sportsmen alike abusing the program and breaking rods over their knee to get new stuff every season. Since then the warranty program has gone downhill. Hopefully one day they will be better about exchanges and warranty repairs. I really would love to fish their rods again. I have several which are a couple decades old I’ve had since new and am afraid to fish them because of the sentimental value they carry. Also, the fear of breaking one outweighs my desire to bend one in half with an acrobatic slab of chrome.
There are several in the infinity, redline, and SI series that feel amazing BUT I’ll wait on getting more of their rods until I have confidence in their warranty program again. If they did a service similar to Loomis’ Xpeditor I would hop on board but as the other comments on this article reveal, the rod isn’t worth the money without a warranty that backs it up.
Worst Customer Service Ever. I’ve been trying for 18 months for someone to return my calls/respond to emails…
Have ten Lamiglas rods, the t1000 blank the best I ever fished. But sorry to say I recently broke on, that blank is no longer offered but they would replace it with Keni quick 934 for a $100 off list or $245. Problem is I can purchase one retail for $168 I Fife WA. Not the rod they once were nor their warranty. I’m switching my rods to okuma at 1/3 the cost.
Love Lamiglas rods…so happy they still make stuff in the USA. I grew up fishing a g1000 (I’m 49 now!). My certified pro drop shot special (10 plus years old) is the best all around bass rod for norcal fishing. And I recently picked up a nightshift surf rod…haven’t been able to take it back to the northeast yet, but the quality of this stick is off the charts (as it should be for the price 😉)